Thursday, 26 November 2009

IDEO research methods / Zidane

Last week Darren introduced us to a series of target audience research methods developed by design consultancy firm IDEO.
Techniques include Behavioural Mapping, Scenario Testing, Error Analysis, and Quick and Dirty Prototyping.

Here's a behavioural map showing the points at which visitors paused while moving through a room of Joseph Beuys sculptures at
Tate Modern. The crosses indicate all visitors, the dots represent visitors of the appropriate age-range of my target audience for the project.
Another of the techniques, Shadowing, simply involved choosing an innocent bystander to follow around the gallery for half an hour.
Applying this technique to extreme, Turner Prize winning artist
of a match between Real Madrid and Villareal, filmed in real time by 17 cameras, with the sole focus of the film being Zidane himself.
With no match commentary and very little dialogue picked up from the pitch itself, the film is a sensory, rather than narrative, experience.
Beautifully shot, and with an excellent soundtrack by Gordon's fellow Scots Mogwai, it's well 90 minutes of your time. Meat pie and Bovril
are optional. There's a low-res version of the entire film online here.

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