So with just under a month to go, and a new project brief breathing down my neck, I've completed barely a third of the number of collages required. I need to either employ some child slave labour or think up a few more ways of creating collages without thinking too much about them. Here's a selection of some I've made so far:
Narrative. Here I've provided a different setting, perhaps altering the narrative of the image. Have they missed their plane? Do they care, given that they appear to be on a tropical beach? Or are they off-duty pilots?
This edited composition amplifies the loneliness of Billy Murray's character.
Surreal head-tentacles...
Rhythm. Rather than cutting and individually pasting each strip, I left them connected at the top, and laid them concertina-like across the backing card.
This collage - a post-it stuck to the backing card - refers to a different aspect of the process of making the collages. Not too sure which category to put this under though. Narrative maybe?
Contrast. Not the kind of thing you'd expect to hear coming from the mouth of a drunk. Or maybe it is?
Composition. Images removed, with cut'n'paste words standing-in, to describe the content of the image.
Composition again, with the key elements of the image presented as a simple formula.
Editing. This image refers to the editing process of choosing the still from the movie.
Editing again. The focal points of the original image have been removed, but the white shapes in their place are perhaps more visually striking.
Narrative. Speculation over the roles of the three characters. Poor Barney Gumble on the end is a nobody.
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