Although Alex supplied several photographs I decided to concentrate on developing a decorative arrangement of type as the main focus, and produced a series of text-only posters in addition to the main design. Alex had already chosen a font called Coffee Tin for the main title of the show, but I persuaded him to let me use Rosewood, which is virtually identical, but a little more refined. I also used Rockwell, Trade Gothic, Budmo Jiggler, Clarendon, Snell Roundhand for the phrase "Liberal Sensibilities", and the very ornate early 19th Century font Lettres Ombrees Ornees in an early version, but found it upstaged the main title.
I didn't design the website (haven't learnt to do those yet), though it shares a similar aesthetic. The homepage has a fantastic animated moustache that asks you to stroke it and gets angry if you don't! Also worth a look is the Which Part of a Wolf am I Thinking of?

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